local leagues, competitions & associations


associations, local leagues & local competitions support

Welcome to your one-stop-shop to support all of your association, local league or local competition needs.

If you are looking to set up a new league, competition or association, or you already have a well-established organisation and need further support, then we are keen to help.

Basketball England operates with the community game through 10 Regional Management Committee (RMCs). Working in partnership with the Regional Management Committees, Basketball England supports all basketball activities such as leagues, competitions, associations and technical courses.

To find out more on how your region can support you, please CONTACT YOUR COMMITTEE

Areas of Support

Governance Support - Constitution, committee member recruitment, committee member roles and responsibilities, safeguarding and discipline.

Website - Have your own website to host league information, games, leagues tables, officials' appointments and anything else you wish to share with your league members.

Game Management System - Fixture generation, league tables, scores and schedule.

Player Registration (this is not BE membership) - Capture all player information to manage playing eligibility for your competition, and use of player data to input into a digital scoresheet if this is a feature you choose to use.

Digital Scoresheet - A tablet-operated scoring system that captures all scoresheet input records at the touch of a button.

Officials/Referee Appointment System - A sophisticated appointment tool that manages game appointments, availability, competency groups, appointment notifications, game count reports and much, much more.

Officials' Performance System - Officials' self-evaluation forms, officiating coach evaluation forms, officials portfolios and game-clip review platform.

Coaches & Officials recruitment and courses - If you are looking to organise a course or put forward some of your members onto a course we can facilitate this.

Funding Support - Opportunity to apply for funding through the Development Grant fund.

We are exited to support and grow your association, league or competition so that it is easier for you to administer. Read below if you fancy exploring more of the above features.


support my leagues or SET UP A NEw LEAGUE OR COMPETITIOn

If you are looking for further support in some or all of the areas above or are looking to set up a brand league or competition then we can help you do this.

Initially we need to learn more about what your plan is, the type of competition you plan on running, the number of teams and a development plan - if you have one - and all of the governance and operational structure you have planned or in place. Complete the form available to get the ball rolling.

support for my association or SET UP A NEw association

If you are looking for further support in some or all of the areas above or are looking to set up a brand basketball association then we can help you do this.

Initially we need to learn more about what your plan is, the type of organisation you you are and what your basketball operations and development plans are - if you have them. As well as this, we need all of the governance and operational structure information you have planned or in place. Share this by completing the form available below and get the ball rolling.




You may run an association, league or competition already but need further support with the operation and running of it. Below are details of the support areas and the next steps you should take to get the ball rolling.

Before activating any of the steps below you should have:

  1. Completed the leagues or associations information forms (above), and
  2. Contacted Simon Unsworth at [email protected] for a short consultation to confirm you requirements 

If you require support with governance support, website, player registration system, digital scoresheet or/and funding support - these requirements will have been captured in the information form you have completed above.

If you require support with acquiring a game-management system, officials' appointment system or officials' performance system download the form below and populate all of the required information fields within each of the tabs - Club Master, Teams Master, Fixtures (or we can organise this for you) Contacts (those that need access to the system) and venues.

find a club


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