Tell us Your Views

Our Have Your Say questionnaire is an annual opportunity for all our customers to feed back on the services we provide. We run it to better understand our customers and improve our services, by answering 3 questions:

  1. Where are we? Understand how our customers see our services now
  2. Where do we need to be? Allow our customers to have a say about what needs to change and help us set targets for improving our services
  3. How do we get there? Design improvements in our services around the needs of our customer

 Our 2017 survey has now closed. Thank you for all who took the time to complete it.

What you said in 2016.

The 2016 survey ran from 12 September to 14 November with over 500 people responding. 

We asked our customers to feedback on specific services. We have responded to their feedback and are working to improve.

  • We need to communicate better - New digital, customer-focused approach, new website
  • We need to be more transparent about what we do and how we do it - New FAQs, new digital content, better feedback through face to face roadshows and up to date news on the website
  • The talent pathway is not transparent - Basketball Development Model completely reworking the talent pathway to be fit for purpose and player-focused
  • Email and phone response times need to improve - New customer service team focused on prompt resolution of customer issues
  • We do not support the grass roots enough - Grassroots programmes such as Satellite clubs and Jr.NBA 
  • Customers want more support to access more and better facilities - New facilities strategy underpinned by detailed insight to target facilities work where it’s most needed
  • Leagues and competitions need to be rationalised - Leagues and competitions review has led to improvements


Download our 2016 Findings pack.  

Although our Have Your Say survey is now currently closed until the 2018 version opens, we are interested in customer feedback all year round. Please email the Customer Service Team if you have any feedback on our services.