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Code for Sport Governance - Tier 1

The 'Code for Sport Governance - Tier 1' is a set of compulsory requirements for organisations looking to apply for funding grants of £10,000+. Meeting this requirements will not only put you in the best possible position to apply for funding grants, but also assist your club in running efficiently. 

What is Tier 1 of the Code?

A Code for Sports Governance (the Code) sets out a number of mandatory Requirements for organisations seeking investment from Sport England, UK Sport or both. It is divided into three Tiers, corresponding to different levels and types of investment. ‘A Code for Sports Governance – Tier 1’ is designed for organisations which are applying for investment from either Sport England or UK Sport and will need to comply with Tier 1 of the Code

Who is Tier 1 aimed at?

Sport England and UK Sport will generally require an organisation to meet Tier 1 of the Code if they are receiving an investment which meets the following criteria:

  • It is granted on a one-off basis (for example, for a specific project which has a fixed end date); and
  • The total amount of funding is typically between £10,000* and £250,000.

Basketball England will support all affiliated clubs in meeting the Tier 1 mandatory requirements, this includes the opportunity for clubs to meet with Basketball England for one-on-one tailored, as well as the ability for clubs to use the templated documents from the club support section of the website to evidence they are meeting requirements. To discuss how your club can meet all of the below standards please email [email protected] 

The Principles

A Code for Sports Governance uses a framework of five Principles of good governance.

They are:

  1. Structure
  2. People
  3. Communication
  4. Standards and Conduct
  5. Policies and Processes
Mandatory requirements





Requirement 1: The organisation is properly constituted, has a clear purpose and, if membership-based, is inclusive and accessible.

Club Development Plan

• Annual Report

Club Constitution

• Club Rules and Regulation


Requirement 2: The governing committee meets regularly, and decision-making is recorded.

Recorded Meeting Minutes  / Action logs from meeting

• Meeting Schedule

• Governing Document stating the governing committee will meet regularly


Requirement 3: The organisation seeks to ensure diverse viewpoints are considered and that its decision-making groups have the skills and
diversity needed to operate effectively.

Board skills matrix

• Organisation and role chart


Requirement 4: Committee members are subject to regular election and ideally should serve no more than nine years.


• Annual General Meeting minutes

• Governing committee recruitment policy


Requirement 5: The organisation shares information on its governance, structure, activities and financial position to enable stakeholders to
have a good understanding of them.

• Clubs Website providing information on committee members, important documents and polices.

• Regular updates on clubs social media page

• Newsletters and notice boards

Standards and Conduct

Requirement 6: Conflicts of interest are recognised, managed by the chair and recorded. At least three of the people on the governing
are neither related to, nor cohabiting with, other committee members.

Committee Members filling in Declaration of interest form

• Governing document which should include clauses regarding conflicts of interest. These should include recognising conflicts of interest, recording them, and management and oversight of the process by the chair

Policies and Processes

Requirement 7: The organisation ensures appropriate financial procedures and practices are in place and as a minimum can evidence: a)appropriate oversight of financial planning; b) financial decision-making and processing is not managed by one person alone; and c) accounts which are independently scrutinised.

• Meeting minutes evidencing governing committees discussions on clubs finances

Budget forecast and financial planning document prepared for committee

• Financial section in clubs governing document

• Financial procedures document or manual which shows that the person who

• A screen shot from your online banking showing two-person authorisation


Requirement 8: The organisation assesses and manages organisational risks and liabilities appropriately


• Risk Register

• Committee meeting minutes which include evidence of discussion around risk management and management of liabilities

• Evidence of a formal discussion of potential liabilities by the governance committee on an annual basis

Awards for All

The National Lottery Awards for All is a quick and simple way to get small Lottery grants of between £300 and £10,000. 

National Lottery Awards for All has three funding priorities and you must be able to tell them in your application how your project or activity will:

  • bring people together and build strong relationships in and across communities
  • improve the places and spaces that matter to communities
  • enable more people to fulfil their potential by working to address issues at the earliest possible stage.

Find out more


As part of the funding opportunities available, below are some resources that may be of use when trying to find data for your local area that you can refer to: