uniting the movement

what is the Uniting the Movement fund

Uniting the Movement is Sport England’s 10-year vision to transform lives and communities through sport and physical activity.

As we recover from the huge disruption caused by the Coronavirus, we need to re-evaluate how we look at sport to keep movement and physical activity at the forefront of everyone’s life. Basketball has the ability to improve people’s lives and can be such a powerful tool in helping people build habits which lead to lifelong love of physical activity.

Uniting The Movement Fund offers opportunity, £10,000* and £250,000. The Movement Fund is Sport England's 4 year, 160 million fund designed to get more people active. Clubs have the opportunity to apply for grants of up to £15,000. The Movement Fund’s core objective will be to tackle inequalities in sport and help Sport England achieve the implementation stage of their Uniting the Movement strategy.

A summary of the strategy can be found below:

THE 5 Big issues

The strategy aims to tackle 5 big issues to prevent and tackle the inequalities we currently see in sport, the 5 big issues are:

  1. Recover and Reinvent – Recovering from the biggest crisis in a generation and reinventing as a vibrant, relevant, and sustainable network of organisations providing sport and physical activity opportunities that meet the needs of different people.
  2. Connecting Communities – Focusing on sport and physical activity’s ability to make better places to live and bring people together.
  3. Positive Experience for Children and Young People – An unrelenting focus on positives experiences for all children and young people as the foundations for a long and healthy life.
  4. Connecting with Health and Wellbeing – Strengthening the connections between sport, physical activity, health and wellbeing, so more people can feel the benefits of, and advocate for, an active life.
  5. Active Environments - Creating and protecting the places and spaces that make it easier for people to be active. The deep rooted inequalities that currently exist in sport mean that there are certain members of the community who feel excluded from being active, our game being one of the most inclusive and welcoming sports across the globe means basketball plays a vital role in the strategy.

Tackling Inequalities

See below 4 groups who will have previously been excluded from Physical Activity and will be at the core of the strategy:

  • Disabled people and people with a long-term health condition are twice as likely to be physically inactive than those without a disability or health condition.
  • If you’re in a lower socio-economic group (NS-SEC 6-8), you’re more likely to be inactive than people in higher social groups.
  • Women are less active than men, and this gender gap starts with girls being less active from a very young age.
  • People from Asian and Black backgrounds are far more likely to be physically inactive than people who are White – a fact reinforced by our 2020 ‘Sport for All?’ report.

For further support and information about the Uniting The Movment Fund and how you can apply for an award, please contact Nick Holloway on [email protected]