Applications for the Advanced Statistics Award for 24/25 open in September 2024. More information about the course can be found below.

Aimed at statisticians with at least two years experience in the senior national leagues who want to progress to Britain's professional leagues. The course gives you practical knowledge on game administration and being a statistician in games of a higher standard.


October 2024 to May 2025


The cost to enrol on the course is £75 (2023 price, 2024 price TBC).

Pre requisites & requirements

  • You must hold the Introduction to Statistics qualification and have experience statting live games in the NBL/WNBL or British Basketball League.

  • You must be willing to commit to do Statistics within NBL/WNBL or British Basketball League (Women's or Men's) competition throughout the season

Games & Events

Should you be accepted on to the Advanced Statistics Award, you will be expected to stat at least four games per month in the senior national leagues or Women's British Basketball League.

Statistician Coaches will be assigned to a number of your games and provide feedback, as well as completing game reviews to give you an accuracy rating which will be part of the decision whether to award you the Advanced Statistics Award.

Dependent on performance and the number of statisticians on the award, we may invite you to a number of events including and not limited to:

  • Sureshot Junior National Cup Finals - January 2025

  • Senior National Cup Finals - January 2025

  • Academy Finals - March 2025

  • Senior Playoff Finals - April 2025

  • Junior Final Fours - May 2025

Education & Theory Examination

Candidates will receive a number of education sessions during the season which will be delivered online.

You are also required to complete some course work throughout the course period.

You will also be provided with a personal Statistician Coach, who will support you and be your main point of contact throughout the course.

There will be an opportunity to self-evaluate your performances including reviewing your own stats against game footage.

As part of the course, there will be a theory examination which will consist of:

  • Interpretation based Yes/No questions
  • Video based questions testing your understanding of recording stats


At the end of the assessment period, the Delivery Manager - Officiating will communicate with your Statistician Coach, and anyone else deemed necessary and make one of the following recommendations:

  1. Award you the Advanced Statistics qualification

  2. Extend your assessment period

  3. Not competent, able to reapply when the course next opens

Should you wish to appeal this recommendation, you may do this within 10 business days of notification stating your reason(s). Your appeal will be reviewed by the Delivery Manager with any of the program lead(s).