Media Accreditation

This page can be used to apply for media accreditation for eligible Basketball England events

We aim to open accreditation for events in a timely fashion to ensure that all applications are dealt with as quickly as possible.

Applications submitted by all applicants will be subject to a robust review process, and all information will be stored and processed in accordance with Basketball England's Data Protection Policy.

All applicants will be advised via email whether their application has been successful, and once accreditation has been approved, final confirmation and additional event information will be sent via email a day or two before the event is scheduled to begin.

We are currently accepting accreditation requests for the following events:
  • Aspire All-Star Event - 5, 6 & 7 July 2024


General Information

1) Completing the form below does not automatically guarantee accreditation. All applicants will be contacted via email once a decision has been made on their application.

2) Club media representatives/photographers/videographers etc must use this process to receive media accreditation, as well as freelance/independent outlets.

3) General spectators do not require media accreditation. This process is reserved for media who wish to access the court side, and conduct interviews with players/coaches.

4) All applicants must complete the form below themselves. Applicants can not apply for accreditation on behalf of other people.

5) Freelancers may be required to provide examples of original work.

6) Basketball England reserves the right to reject any application it deems unsuitable for media accreditation. 

7) A free Basketball England supporter membership is required for all accredited media. Failure to provide a membership number will result in an application being rejected. A supporter membership can be acquired using the button below, and once completed, does not expire.

8) Your membership number will begin with A0, followed by five numbers. This membership number will be shown on the final screen of membership processing and then also sent to you via email.

9) If you are applying for accreditation to a BE event for the first time during the 2023/24 season, you will need to fill in ALL sections of this form. However:

  • If you have already applied for accreditation to a previous event in 2023/24 (January's National Cup), you will have the option to skip SOME questions if your details have not changed.
  • Skipping sections of this form when details have not previously been provided to BE will result in your request for accreditation being denied.


When you have completed this form and press the submit button, you will be progressed to a page titled "Thank you for your APPLICATION."
If you press the submit button and this doesn't happen, scroll back up through the form again and look for any sections that you may have missed/not answered.
You will not be able to submit this form unless all mandatory fields have been completed.


Media Accreditation

Section 1 - Personal & Organisation Information
Section 2 - Safeguarding
Section 3 - Terms and Conditions


When you have completed this form and press the submit button ABOVE, you will be progressed to a page titled "Thank you for your APPLICATION."
If you press the submit button and this doesn't happen, scroll back up through the form again and look for any sections that you may have missed/not answered.
You will not be able to submit this form unless all mandatory fields have been completed.


Documents and policies mentioned in the accreditation form above