If you are an existing member, renew your free membership and then skip to Step 4. Please use the 'Forgotten these details' function on the portal if you are unable to remember your membership number
If you are a new club administrator, sign up here and complete the free membership process and continue through the steps
Once BE receive the request, we will request approval from existing club administrators within the club
If you were a club administrator or team manager over the last 2 seasons, you do not need to complete this again.
Club Administrators - You will receive an automated email to say you have been added to the club as an administrator
Team Managers - Please show an existing club admin a copy of the signed agreement and they can attach you to the relevant teams (a guide on how to do this is below)
Log into the portal and in the top right, click on your name and you will be able to manage the club
If you are unable to manage the club, then you need to complete the free membership process first - once completed, this will give you access to manage the club
You will need to pay the Club Affiliation fee to gain full access to the club page
If you are a National League club, any team entry fees for the season and fines from previous seasons will also need to be paid
Update any club details on the 'Club Overview' as necessary and remember to click 'SAVE' at the bottom of the page
Once the club is unlocked, you can set up any Local League or BUCS teams by clicking on 'Create Team'
If there is an age category not currently available on the list, please select the next available age group up e.g. if the team is U11's mixed, then set the team up as U12's mixed
Local League teams will need to ensure they attach to the relevant affiliated league so that the League Organiser or Area Registrar can see the information at their end too
Note: All National League teams are set up by BE - if any are missing or incorrect, please email [email protected] to get this rectified
Click on the 'Venues' tab to ensure that the correct venues are attached to the club - the primary venue can also be selected for those clubs who use more than one venue
This feature is still being worked on so if you are unable to locate the venue you need, please email [email protected]
Yes, please follow the steps above. Please try to keep club administrators to a minimum and use the Team Manager function instead to restrict data access.
Licence cards will be available to view through the membership portal. There are 3 options for club administrators to choose from:
Note: If using screenshots or printed licence cards, it is advised that this is done regularly and that the old cards are deleted or disposed of appropriately