Basketball England launches new standards and benefits package to support clubs

Basketball England is excited to launch a new Club Standards and Benefits package. 

The project will introduce a range of benefits, alongside a set of nationally recognised standards that will protect the safety of our sport and enhance playing experiences across the country.  

At the heart of this proposal is the support of clubs in establishing good practices, with the proposal developed to align with Sport England's expectations of clubs and The Child Protection in Sport Unit (CPSU) framework. 

Nick Holloway, Basketball England Club and Volunteer Development Manager, said: 

“Through the introduction of the club standards we aim to develop a thriving network of high performing clubs. Hitting these standards will ensure clubs are well set up to apply for funding grants whilst also operating in a manner that will set them up for participation growth.” 

The proposal has two levels, each with associated requirements and benefits: 

  • Level 1 Accreditation Club - Clubs must meet these standards to enter the Jnr. NBL in 2025/26 
  • Level 2 Leading Club - A set of aspirational standards for clubs 

Whilst clubs are not disaffiliated for meeting the level 1 standards, we encourage all clubs to meet the standards to unlock the associated benefits.

An important part of this project is that all Jnr. NBL clubs will be required to meet the Level 1 standards to enter the 2025/26 National League,.

With the size and profile of the league growing, the introduction of these standards will ensure all clubs are structured in a way that supports the continued development of the league and the young people within it.  

Rob Fairley, Basketball England Senior Delivery Manager for Leagues and Competitions, said: 

“As we strive to continually improve the quality of our showcase league, it is important that all clubs competing have a structure in place that sets the competition up for success.

"The introduction of these standards will help us ensure that NBL clubs are set up to become high performing environments both on and off the court."


Over the past 12 months, Basketball England has undertaken comprehensive research into the best way to implement improved club standards. This has involved member club consultation, working with other National Governing Bodies and guiding principles from major partner Sport England to ensure what we are launching is suitable for our member clubs.  

This piece of work aligns with Sport England’s 10-year Uniting the Movement Strategy and supports clubs in meeting all the requirements outlined in Sport England’s Tier 1 Code for Sport Governance. This will ensure that as a sport, we are in the best possible position to access major funding grants that will support the basketball economy. 

We have also worked with eight National Governing bodies to help us best understand how to effectively launch a set of Club Standards. This has demonstrated best practices and provided a template for becoming market leaders in this area. 

Finally, we have listened to our clubs and hope to provide guidance on club leadership, governance, and policy development, helping clubs run more efficiently. This year’s club survey, completed by more than 160 clubs, indicated that clubs are well on their way to meeting these standards. Therefore, we believe that while the standards will enhance club operations, they will not be unrealistic or overly demanding for our volunteer workforce. 

The survey also indicated that accessing funding grants and subsidised coaching courses were by far the most sought-after benefits. These benefits are prominently featured in the rewards clubs will receive for meeting standards. 

Club benefits

Rewarding clubs that are running efficiently is at the core of this project, and through meeting the Level 1 standards clubs will gain access to funding grants, junior programmes, marketing support and hands of support from our participation team.  

Being able to access funding grants has been highlighted as a highly sought-after benefit, and through meeting the standards clubs will be eligible to apply for the 2025 Basketball England Development Grant and receive hands on support in developing applications for the Sport England Movement Fund. 

Through meeting these standards, clubs will also have the governance in place so they are eligible to apply for a variety of funding opportunities.   

The Level 2 club benefits are designed to reward high performing clubs, clubs have showcased how much they would value subsidised coaching and officiating courses. By meeting the Level 2 standards, club will gain access to a range of subsidised coaching and officiating courses. 

Use the button below for a full breakdown of the standards and benefits for each level.


