Jr. NBA Finals 2024: East and South - gallery & results

Week two of the 2024 Jr. NBA Finals was a blast.

A trio of events kicked off the opening week, beginning in the South West on Tuesday at Bristol UWE Sports Complex before Wednesday's West Midlands Finals from Worcester University. Proceedings ended on Thursday with the East Midlands showstopper from Nottingham Trent University's Trent Campus, wrapping up the first three of eleven planned Finals across this month.

The action moved to the East and South regions this past week, with further events planned for the rest of the month.

Below you'll find the results from each of this week's Jr. NBA Finals, plus shooting competition winners and a gallery of images from each event.


University of East Anglia

Y7 Eastern Final: Detroit Pistons (Marshland High School) 20 v 42 Philadelphia 76ers (Wymondham High Academy)

Y7 Western Final: LA Clippers (Castle Manor Academy) 11 v 31 Dallas Mavericks (Gateway Academy) 

Y8 Eastern Final: Toronto Raptors (Wymondham Academy) 33 v 35 Detroit Pistons (Marshland High School)

Y8 Western Final: Houston Rockets (Gateway Academy) 61 v 14 Oklahoma City Thunder (Claydon High School)

Y7 third-place game: LA Clippers (Castle Manor Academy) 23 v 31 Detroit Pistons (Marshland High School)

Y8 third-place game: Toronto Raptors (Wymondham High Academy) 43 v 38 Oklahoma City Thunder (Claydon High School) 

Y7 Final: Philadelphia 76ers (Wymondham High Academy) 19 v 26 Dallas Mavericks (Gateway Academy)

Y8 Final: Houston Rockets (Gateway Academy) 53 v 6 Detroit Pistons (Marshland High School)

Shooting competition winners:

  • Year 7 - Amiras Lukosevicius, Detroit Pistons (Marshland High School)
  • Year 8 - Elwood Langley, Toronto Raptors (Wymondham High Academy)


Bletchley Leisure Centre

Y7 Eastern Final: St Columbas College (New York Knicks) 30 v 25 Chiltern Academy (Cleveland Cavaliers)

Y7 Western Final: Brook Mead Academy (Minnesota Timberwolves) 20 v 35 Northampton School for Boys (New Orleans Pelicans)

Y8 Eastern Final: Leighton Middle School (Milwaukee Bucks) 30 v 39 St Columbas College (New York Knicks) 

Y8 Western Final: Northampton School for Boys (San Antonio Spurs) 27 v 24 Bablake School (Golden State Warriors)

Y7 third-place game: Chiltern Academy (Cleveland Cavaliers) 18 v 22 Brook Mead Academy (Minnesota Timberwolves)

Y8 third-place game: Leighton Middle School (Milwaukee Bucks) 30 v 33 Bablake School (Golden State Warriors)

Y7 Final: St Columbas College (New York Knicks) 18 v 28 Northampton School for Boys (New Orleans Pelicans)

Y8 Final: St Columbas College (New York Knicks) 36 v 24 Northampton School for Boys (San Antonio Spurs)

Shooting competition winners:

  • Year 7 - Max Abraham, New Orleans Pelicans (Northampton School for Boys)
  • Year 8 - Niki Basioudis, Golden State Warriors (Bablake School)

