Long-serving Bell and Biggs leave Basketball England Board

Long-serving directors Russell Bell and Graham Biggs have stepped down from the Basketball England Board. 

Both have served the NGB with distinction, each completing a maximum of two three-year terms. 

Bell, a Senior Independent Member, joined the Board in August 2018. He chaired the Audit, Finance and Risk Committee and fulfilled the roles of Vice Chair and Interim Chair. 

Biggs was elected a month later and became an independent for his second term, bringing his coaching passion and experience to the directors’ table. 

Both represented BE on the British Basketball Federation (BBF) board as well.

Russell Bell (left) has finished his term on the BE board

Basketball England Chair Paul Blanchard said: “I would like to put on record my appreciation for the vigour, dedication and knowledge which both Russell and Graham have brought to the task of helping guide the organisation. 

“That they each did it over two terms illustrates their dedication to the task and their scrutiny and support has been of huge value to the national governing body, myself and previous Chairs. I’m certain they will both continue to contribute in a positive manner to the sport of basketball.” 

“I would particularly like to thank Russell for facilitating such a smooth transition for me into the role of Chair."

Graham Biggs served two terms on the BE board

Bell said: “Basketball has been my sport since my early teens and it is really encouraging to see its development at community and participation levels over the past decade. 

“It has been a privilege to make a small contribution to that development during my time on Basketball England’s Board during what have been and, in some ways, continue to be challenging times. 

“When I joined BE in 2018 there was little cohesion between the principal stakeholders in the game, and while there’s still a great deal of work to be done to get our game to the position it deserves both nationally and internationally, I do believe there is now genuine desire and momentum to take us forward at all levels and I know that Basketball  England is well positioned and keen to play its part in that.” 

Bell will continue to serve the organisation by chairing the NBL1 owners group.

Biggs will continue to exert a positive influence for BE is his role as South West Regional Chair. He also remains active in coaching in Hereford.
