School Games National Finals: England 3x3 basketball results and gallery

England’s 3x3 basketball sides finished runners-up and third respectively at the 2024 School Games National Finals in Loughborough.

The Ball Park at Loughborough University was transformed into a 3x3 arena as the format featured for the first time at the Games in collaboration with Basketball England and British Wheelchair Basketball.

Six England teams (three men’s and three women’s) went up against Ireland, Scotland and Wales over three days of action.

England Men (White) and England Women (Red) finished as runners-up, while England Men (Red) won their third-placed playoff.


Check out the full results here.

Squads and coaches

Here's who lined up for England in Loughborough:

3x3 player pathway

This year, BE announced its 3x3 player pathway, which will help with the development of talented 3x3 players, as an alternative, and in addition to 5v5. 

The biennial School Games National Finals offers the chance for over 1,200 young athletes to compete across multiple sports, and is funded by Sport England National Lottery Funding and backed by all the Home Country Sports Councils and UK Sport.

You can find a gallery of images from the tournament below